Bienvenue aux clients de M.L. Forand courtier d’assurances inc., maintenant membre de l’équipe DPA assurances! Nous sommes heureux de vous compter parmi nous et nous avons hâte de vous conseiller.
Mandatory civil liability insurance
As the owner of a snowmobile or ATV, you must have at least $500,000 in civil liability insurance for the bodily injury and property damage you may cause to others with your snowmobile or ATV. Under the Act respecting off-highway vehicles, this coverage is mandatory for all ATVs and snowmobiles, whether the vehicle is on a trail or not. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in a fine ranging from $375 to $750.
What is the purpose of civil liability insurance?
Quebec’s public automobile insurance plan (administered by the SAAQ) does not provide any compensation for injury or death resulting from an accident involving a snowmobile or other off-road vehicle, except in a few very specific cases – for example, if the accident involves a car or any other vehicle traveling on a public road. In most cases, therefore, it is your insurer that would cover injuries to others caused by your vehicle and for which you were held liable.
Civil liability insurance therefore covers you as the vehicle owner (as well as anyone operating your snowmobile or ATV) for bodily injury caused to others who are not covered by the SAAQ. That’s why it’s advisable to carry $1 million in civil liability insurance. This protection covers:
- Property damage and bodily injury to others for any accident for which you were responsible in Quebec or outside of Quebec; in the event of a claim, it is therefore important to have sufficient civil liability insurance.
- Damage caused to your snowmobile or ATV during a collision in Quebec for which you were not responsible.
An attractive option: purchasing liability insurance together with your trail pass
To take your snowmobile or ATV out on an approved trail, you must first have a trail pass (sticker). In this regard, you should know that:
- As the official insurer of both the Fédération des clubs de motoneigistes du Québec (FCMQ) and the Fédération québécoise des Clubs Quads (FQCQ), Intact Insurance offers members of these two federations civil liability insurance at a preferential rate.
- When you purchase a trail pass for your snowmobile, you become a member of the FCMQ and automatically receive $1 million in civil liability insurance from Intact Insurance. The same $1 million coverage is provided to ATVers when they purchase a trail pass for trails maintained by the FQCQ.
- If you want even more protection and you live in Quebec, you can pay a small additional premium to increase Intact Insurance’s civil liability insurance to $2 million.
Here is an example that demonstrates the advantage of civil liability insurance: while driving on a trail, you collide with another snowmobiler. As a holder of Intact Insurance’s civil liability insurance, you would be covered if you were found responsible for causing injury to a third-party.
Protect your faithful steed as well!
Since civil liability insurance does not cover damage to your snowmobile or ATV (except for damage caused in a collision in Quebec for which you were not at fault), you should also get adequate coverage in case of an accident with either of these types of vehicle. With its two insurance products – My Snowmobile and me® and My ATV and me® – Intact Insurance has got you covered!
A concrete example: you lose control of your vehicle on a trail and hit a tree, or your snowmobile is badly damaged and is declared a complete write-off. As the holder of an insurance policy for damage to your snowmobile, you would be covered for its loss.
In addition to coverage for damage to your snowmobile or ATV, with My Snowmobile and me® and My ATV and me®, you also receive several other benefits free of charge:
- $10,000 in personal life and health insurance in case of death or dismemberment following a road accident;
- Up to $3,000 in coverage for damage to equipment and accessories;
- Coverage for up to six months of leisure travel in Canada or the United States.
Enjoy Free Snowmobile Roadside Assistance
If you’ve taken out an insurance policy covering damage to your snowmobile with Intact Insurance, the good news is that this comes with free year-round roadside assistance* – a perk that can change everything if things go wrong. This protection includes:
- Three service calls per year, including towing within a 100-kilometre radius, battery boosts and fuel delivery if your tank runs dry.
- Access to other equally useful services such as preparation of itineraries for your snowmobile outings, and health or legal assistance.
Check with your broker
For more information on insuring snowmobiles or ATVs or if you have any questions, please contact one of our brokers!
Sources :
* Roadside assistance services are provided by an independent third-party. Snowmobile roadside assistance is provided under insurance coverage for roadside assistance expenses.