Bienvenue aux clients de M.L. Forand courtier d’assurances inc., maintenant membre de l’équipe DPA assurances! Nous sommes heureux de vous compter parmi nous et nous avons hâte de vous conseiller.
Mishaps on the road can happen to anyone. Fortunately, with the Intact Insurance App roadside assistance is never far away – it’s even at your fingertips!
Don’t have Intact Insurance roadside assistance? Contact one of our brokers and have it added to your insurance contract.
Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions apply. To verify if you have the roadside assistance endorsement, please consult your insurance policy for a complete description of coverage and exclusions. Roadside assistance services offered by an independent third party as part of the roadside assistance endorsement. This website provides general information only, for policies that include insurance for roadside assistance costs. Your insurance policy prevails at all times.