Bienvenue aux clients de M.L. Forand courtier d’assurances inc., maintenant membre de l’équipe DPA assurances! Nous sommes heureux de vous compter parmi nous et nous avons hâte de vous conseiller.
The right technique
Want to shovel snow yourself? To avoid injury, take a few minutes to stretch before you start. Use the strength of your knees, legs and arms to clear the snow, while keeping your back straight. Also, avoid sudden twisting movements. And stop if you feel tired!
Do you prefer a snowblower? It’s recommended to always clear snow from the top down – the snow on your driveway, for example. Also avoid using a snowblower on very steep slopes. And, regardless of the method you choose, remember to spread abrasive material to prevent slipping on ice!
Think of everything!
Here’s a checklist of the areas to clear after a snowfall:
- outside stairs, doorways and balconies, especially if they’re emergency exits
- windows, to prevent them from icing up and jamming
- the roof of your temporary car shelter, from outside the shelter
- access to any propane or natural gas tank
- the surfaces of your hot tub or above-ground pool.
Select a good snow removal service
You can also hire a snow removal contractor to do the work. Even if one has been recommended to you, take the time to ask for quotes from several others for comparison. Make sure that the contractor you hire is a bona fide and duly registered business.
Good questions to ask before signing a contract: What’s the minimum snowfall before they come to clear snow? What time of day will they clear the driveway? Will they also spread salt and clear a passage to your doors? Will they charge extra after a certain number of loads or runs? Also check that the contractor has liability insurance.
Look up... at your roof
Roofs are designed to withstand the rigors of winter. But sometimes their load-bearing capacity is exceeded by successive accumulations of snow and ice. When the accumulation on your roof reaches about 60 cm of fresh snow or 20 cm of ice, it’s time to remove it.
Think insurance
Did a visitor break a leg when they slipped on a patch of ice on your steps? Your liability insurance may not cover you if you’re shown to be negligent. Damage caused by snow buildup on home roofs is usually covered by home insurance. However, additional coverage is required for damage caused by water infiltration.
Enjoy peace of mind with the right insurance! Contact your broker for advice on the coverage that’s best for your home.