Boîte à outils - Blogue - DPA Assurances

Pour vous simplifier la vie et vous faire sauver du temps, nous vous avons préparé une foule d'outils pratiques pour la vie de tous les jours.
Merveilleux, n'est-ce pas? 

7 ways to take care of your trees 

As Quebecers, we love our trees. And there are lots of good reasons why: trees prevent heat islands in urbanized areas, filter water, stabilize soil, attract birds, reduce air pollution, prevent lung disease, reduce HVAC costs, create peaceful settings, and, most importantly, beautify our properties and increase their value. Yet all our trees need constant TLC. Here are seven strategies for looking after your deciduous or coniferous trees. 

How to clean up your yard in fall with the environment in mind

Memories of meals outdoors and countless hours spent gardening in the sun start to fade as soon as cooler weather arrives. To quickly restore your yard to good shape for next year, be sure to take advantage of the fall months to clean up your outdoor spaces, rake up dead leaves and other debris, and prepare your plants and soil for the next warm season. Now that climate change has become a fact of life, it makes sense to always keep the environment in mind. So, let’s get cracking!

Our best tips to find your scooter Insurance

Scooters give you the freedom to go wherever you want in complete freedom. Whether you're a teenager eager to get on your own scooter for the first time or a parent concerned about your child's safety, it's essential to understand the legal requirements and different options for scooter or motorcycle insurance.

Practical guide to selling your vehicule

Thinking of selling your vehicle privately? We've put together a comprehensive guide to help you every step of the way – from preparatory work to final sale. All this practical information will make the process easier and give you the best chance of selling your vehicle.