Train de vie - Blogue - DPA Assurances

Vous entamez la vie d'adulte? Vous êtes des parents à la recherche de petits coups de pouce? Ou vous êtes tout simplement curieux?
Nous avons ici des trucs, astuces et inspirations pour vous faciliter la vie!

4 steps to reduce your carbon footprint

Global warming and the climate crisis: it’s never been more urgent to reduce our carbon footprint. It’s not always easy to keep a cool head when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. That’s why it’s helpful to remember the many simple habits – like recycling, composting, and reusing cups and bags – that we’ve applied over the years and are now part of our everyday life. In recent years, there’s been a shift towards more responsible consumption, which includes reusing items and buying local. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated this shift. Want to do more? Here are four effective steps you can take to reduce the carbon footprint of your homes and travels.

Six savvy pointers about snow removal

Winter is the season for skiing, sitting by the fireplace… and removing snow! Clearing your parking space, driveway and roof is not only standard home maintenance, it also helps prevent problems. Here are our tips for dealing with winter.